December 7, 2023

Welcome New CBW Associate Members

Holman Capital Lance Holman (949) Holman Capital Corporation specializes in financing tax-exempt and taxable debt solutions issued by state and local governments, fire districts, educational institutions and water agencies nationwide. We finance our client’s equipment, facility, infrastructure and energy needs. Our funding amounts range from $250,000 to $100,000,000, with financing terms of up to

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7 Strategies for Mitigating Cybersecurity Risk

When it comes to cybersecurity, a good offense is a key component of a good defense. Much like organizations, hackers continuously learn and hone their skills. So, it’s critical to keep up with the latest threats they deploy, identify potential vulnerabilities and understand how your bank would respond to an attack. By examining vulnerabilities before

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Time Out For Trivia

Q’s and A’s To Enlighten Portfolio Management

If you’re a sports fan (and I know you are) and you’re also of a vintage that can recall back several decades, you may have heard of Todd Donaho. Donaho was the self-proclaimed “Commissioner of Sports Trivia” as the host of Time Out For Trivia (TOFT), a popular live call-in show that ran on the

Time Out For Trivia

Q’s and A’s To Enlighten Portfolio Management

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In Pursuit of Accessibility

The digital world continues to evolve around us, and as such, many daily tasks, including financial services, are being increasingly performed using websites or other digital platforms. While this reality offers a number of advantages for the average consumer, it also presents significant challenges in ensuring equal access to products and services offered online for

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Application Red Flags

How To Prevent Financing Fraud

In the world of financial lending, institutions need to have multiple checks and balances in place to protect their assets, their customers and the future of their organization. Sadly, some individuals try to use our fair nature against us for deceptive gain. Efforts to obtain funding through fraudulent means can often be recognized during the

Application Red Flags

How To Prevent Financing Fraud

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Five Myths Holding Community Banks Back from Digital Transformation

Despite “digital transformation” being a key buzzword in banking for the last five years, many banks are still early in their journey to adopt new technologies. The reasons are unique to each institution, but as a whole, banks often fall victim to a number of misconceptions about digital transformation before the process even begins. But

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Equitable Access to Credit Program

In Washington state, you may now earn dollar-for-dollar B&O tax credits up to $1 million when you contribute to the Equitable Access to Credit Program. This new program, authorized by the Washington State Legislature in 2022 and overseen by the Department of Commerce, creates a new revolving funding source of up to $8 million for

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